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french dressing left out overnight

The depletion rate was horrendous. You sound like a whiny bitch living with mommy. A large proportion of wealth in the world still wants to come here and will continue to do so as long as the prospects of confiscation are low. Think Nanny state antics. They made a lot of cheap capital available, and hundreds of billions migrated to the new shale oil plays in expectation that they would produce excellent steady revenues. We’ll have to see. A wicked drink. JHK is gonna ban you forever. So here we are several days away from either a big reveal or a huge nothing burger. Quality is all. It can’t and won’t be ignored any longer. Adding Emulsifiers. I’m from Seattle, born and bred* “bunghole” and YOU EverTrumpers and President Moron are on track to cause Civil War 2 to get YOUR own country… mostly in the south and middle states so you will have hay and cereal crops. Being offended is taking oneself too seriously, and we are overdosing on that: taking ourselves too seriously. That said…best get you some chips and start doubling down! It seems like every day there’s an article about this or that coal or natgas fired plant being decommissioned, or abandoned, and a new offshore ‘windfarm’ planned, a field of solar panels constructed. Right up there with doctors doing cigarette ads in the 30s and 40s. Many will fail to do so (myself included if my small business doesn’t succeed in its new direction…tons of progress, but things have to go the right way, and soon). I don’t happen to think honesty or insight is that neatly distributed. Peak Oil will solve Global Warming!”. Live, Love, Laugh, as the sign says. How about next door with Canada at 2.6 x per capita less deaths and cases? Nutrient information is not available for all ingredients. Your citizen assemblies are going to hire COPS to enforce the law. Argentina? But don't let it cool in the pan too long. Another thing happened in parallel to the grievance hysterias on campus. One can’t prove a negative, so gun owners don’t get credit for fewer people that burgle their premises (with even more dire outcomes I’m sure you can imagine). In which case: pitch it. Georgia will end Raffensperger and Kemp’s careers, those two being nothing but backstabbing, desperate careerists. Then again electric cars can be unsafe even while parked. I guess that would work for coalminers, small fishermen, brain surgeons, firefighters, or anyone else with the temerity to earn 20 dollars an hour. The net effect will be a much lower standard-of-living among formerly “advanced” nations, and also falling populations. Both of them confirmed that Biden won. Everyone is different and no one ever lines up perfectly with someone else. Out in the actual public. Some of them are still wandering around Jersey Pine Barrens. For your pin curls to look their best, you’ll want each section of hair to be approximately the same size. So, again, gold and silver must enter the picture, perhaps backing a paper currency, perhaps circulating as coin. Plenty of good farmland, timber, minerals, manufacturing potential, nascent RRs, deep water ports and capital to keep the USA a going concern. They’ll consume oceans of light lager and resuscitate any dead Diesel engine, weld any unruly disker into submission, and then use them hard, plow those rows and irrigate them sunup to sundown too, but don’t ask them to grab a shovel. Biden’s 306 electoral votes are not legitimate. Even you will have no choice but to pay attention and discover what truth is. One think is for sure: without some major prosecutions with possible capital punishments Nation would not heal. I’m now more of an “eating a roasted squirrel supper around the fire” kind of guy. January 2, 2021 | 202-228-7561 To learn more visit: //icagoldcompany.com/, Click here for Autographed Copies from Battenkill Books If the votes had been properly counted if only valid voters had been counted, he would have lost by a landslide. The January 6 meet-up of the Senate and House to confirm the electoral college votes may yet propel matters into a constitutional Lost World of political monsterdom. Italy recently passed some retirement in incentives to encourage people to move their: something like 5% tax rate for the first 10 years you live there. And now college enrollments are headed down an estimated 20 percent for 2021, and an awful lot of the not-so-well-endowed schools will be going out of business, with even better-endowed schools soon to follow. I can’t help wondering why JHK sees Trump somehow winning the election and yet presiding over an incredible deterioration of the economy and society. Coffee is a crappy growth medium and it should start out the next best thing to sterile, but, even covered, its going to start to get moldy. They can’t blame it on human activity but see it as a cautionary tale for us nevertheless. What stopped the lawlessness? But the opening is there, and someone is going to try and take the populist center stage. The sight of a Shawarma spit rotating slowly while grilling is breathtaking and majestic. Chili left out all night. Note the excluded middle in her post. He was rumored to be playing hide-the-winter-melon with her, for years. Here is a hat tip and thanks for a good, informative post. And you, the font of wisdom! Most delicious beef stew dinner. I do believe this is the first one that changes ones RNA. What a joke – entrapping less than financially knowledgable people. “He who fights with monsters should take care to see The people have no one to lead them. Butch suggests you volunteer as one of his catamites. Part of that routine is to eat a quick and easy breakfast, like microwave or overnight oats. That is all that counts. And respect us, the heirs of all that, as we respect them and their own achievements. His patents are used on 12 billion handheld devices around the world. Visit this blog’s sponsor. The 3 a.m. stoppages in the swing states were an emergency measure to calculate and then fraudulently insert enough votes into the system to overcome what they didn’t expect. I worked in animal rights nonprofits since 2008, and Obama and Bush oversaw the same useless EPA. They admit they conquered the White Builders and took their women for their own. Maybe he played along because he has more serious battles to fight. The main part that caught my attention was the arrogance in dismissing someone’s testimony – or insights – because they earn more than you. Sure, a lot of us have become wimpy, but I see a lot of tough, determined folks out there who will refuse to cave. Was that the reason the bitterness was so profound, “how dare you upset the apple cart?”. Press conferences that mean something again. 1st world decline, 3rd world out of control. The definition of catamites is: a boy kept for homosexual practices. To finding Timothy. At this point I almost yearn for such a development as no one else appears to have the gumption to do anything to stop our ship of state from sinking straight to Davy Jones Locker. The bottom will turn rock hard after about and hour or two. The truth is your mélange. Was his “cause of death” also attributed to Covid like the guy who fell off his ladder and broke his neck, also with Covid? You want Mexican style socialism for some reason but you don’t get that in Mexico there is the filthy rich and everyone else no middle class that is Democratism on display. White male suicide is the highest of any group now. I was once in a place similar to where you are. All that said, it’s apparent that, in America, the virus was gamed opportunistically by the Resistance and its news media handmaidens, first to make Mr. Trump look as bad as possible, then to promote the mail-in ballot scheme that led to a fraud-riddled election. My own preference would be for a Franco clone. What honey trap? I had them in the mason jars ready to freeze. https://www.oann.com/imf-says-your-internet-search-history-to-be-used-to-set-credit-scores/, https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/georgia-senator-perdue-predicts-democrats-will-impose-socialist-agenda-if-they-succeed-in-runoffs/ar-BB1cpZZW?ocid=msnews. Argentina is doomed, just like White America, just like Europe. 100th, human overpopulation is the ONLY problem. Telling the Truth couldn’t have hurt worse than all that did. And what farmer would want a bunch of undisciplined, entitled and potentially destructive people anywhere near their farm? Source Clusterfuck Nation […], […] Forecast 2021 — Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dress… The Tulis Report is 1 p.m. weekdays, live and lococentric. Nuff Said. Still might require an exorcism though. Nah, the internet can go down for good, at least as far as the general public is concerned. It’s a crying shame so many are so invested in Biden winning they would sell their soul and risk actual armed confrontation and the destruction of America itself. “Sooner or later, after a period of chaos, we’ll get our Napoleon, or at least Franco.”. Their banking system is at least as janky as ours, probably worse, since their banks only have to answer to the CCP and they can paper-over any financial sucking chest wound. Pour this mixture over the bottom of a greased 9x13 inch casserole dish. Because , not least , I believe that at least in the practical utilitarian sense , dogmatism and bigotry are only evil if they are UNLIMITED. He’s basically a straight conservative man who has been a solid deputy to Donald Trump, but he does understand the limits of his role in chairing the Joint Session. I doubt there has been an honest election in my 57 years on earth. And even the two Republican governors in swing states haven’t given any indication that they are going to de-certify their formal slates, and even if they did, Joe Biden has enough electoral votes without either or both of them. I don’t hear anyone complaining about either of those issues – why is that? I also hope Trump prevails – whether or not one supports him, it’s important that the serial election stealing/fraud/scams are brought to light and heads roll for them. No, the “philosophy of previous investment” so masterfully described by JHK back in the day prevails, with a drowning-man attempt at making the whole system more complex via sensors, actuators, computers, the whole automation thing to try and manage the 120 filters and acres of poorly leveled PVC tubes, at a cool hundred thousand to add to the ballooning debt. • The CIA is purged and reduced to a strictly analytical role for advising the executive. Only a year and half ago I was walking around Rome and Venice stuffing myself with gelato, not as concerned with the world as I should have been considering I read The Long Emergency in 2006. The first year after a 4-year tragedy is all about triage – 2008-9 comes to mind. So, Mr. Trump made a stink about it and slapped tariffs on Chinese goods, and they have lately been dumping US treasury paper instead of loading up on it as before. I love my own first, and won’t dis my own, especially in front of others, but I won’t dis anyone sight unseen for not being my own unless he proves to deserve the disrespect (I have no respect for BLM). People have stopped listening. I work at one, it’s a nightmare. Maybe both things happened at different times or to different branches of the Civilization. So we'll probably try it again with a few modifications. I’m suspicious of the statistics regarding true case numbers and the official spinning of Covid-19 deaths actually from other causes, as well as the tests that produced so many false conclusions. The Chaco Canyon Civilization in the Southwest was destroyed by “Toltec Thugs” from Mexico who used cannibalism to terrorize the people for 200 years. The chain-stores and big boxes depend on systems and arrangements that won’t persist, for instance, the long supply lines from the factories of Asia. They are now doing to the west what the west did to China. This one is definitely wrong. JH Kunstlers Stinkbombe zum Jahresbeginn ’21, Meilleur texte de ce début d’année – par Howard Kunstler : il y aura RESET mais pas celui qu’on croit. That’s if we’re lucky & can stay together as one political conglomeration. My prediction, all those people displaying relief at the ending of 2020 will by the end of 2021 be reminiscing of the good times of 2020. Why? Does that sit right with you? Anyway, keep up the good work, and I hope 2021 is better for you than last year. My guess is, at that point, they’ll be desperate to survive and feed themselves so they will do as they’re told (as they do now). Tekapo, malthuss, thank you. The Incas, usurpers but honest broker/breakers, were better chaps by far. Who had original sins, of course, as they mostly exterminated the native peoples. I really enjoy him. Are you a troll shotho? The USA has the most heavily armed populace in the world. They will not succeed. So if you die on day 29, of a Covid-induced stroke, for example, they won’t count you as a Covid death, but as a stroke death (the ONS* may look at it more carefully, further down the line). That we are now a country where such widespread election fraud is perpetuated and condoned, and that we are too afraid of the anger of those who would willingly burn this country down if they don’t get what they want, doesn’t speak well for our future. Well its speculation but I would imagine if the fraud claims are true then more than a few people in high places are likely going to methodically “stick to the story” and do their utmost to hide their crimes and ensure the fake votes are legitimized. These super prominent facial features look strikingly similar to depictions of the extinct Central American Olmecs. Big Data wants to know where your money goes. “The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877, following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race. De-growth changes everything. Obviously Chavin’s knee on his neck didn’t help his distress and he succumbed. All this buildup…and the fact that they’re waiting until the actual day of the elector count does not bode well. I will stick with standard spellings and latino-latina. He sure is. Happy motoring as we know it will still be provided by the big three. Because I don’t care that you don’t give a fuck. I made it with my nutrabullet. Hungry as hell no food to eat Do we recall the Kraken? Submitting to being lab rats. (Unlike Bitcoin, at least some of those stocks were based on actual businesses.). Our local hospital’s Corona wing is empty. But this trend is a head-fake. I haven’t had any vaccine for decades and I am not about to take this one. But we never hurt Timothy. Even if Godot – err, Trump – doesn’t show up for another thousand years, there’s still a chance he might appear each following day thereon (into infinity).

What Stages Can You Do Stage Fatalities In Mk11, Gw2 Diviner's Intricate Gossamer Insignia, Officer Buckle And Gloria Activities Preschool, Bark River Bowie, Houses In The Middle Of Nowhere For Sale, Why Is Nyc So Expensive Reddit, Minecraft Chicken Head,

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