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what warning does brabantio give to othello?

Which ship arrives second? “Man UP!” “It is merely a lust of blood and a permission of the will. Where are we as Act 2 begins? Act 3 scenes 2, 3, and 4. Iago hates the Moor mostly out of jealousy and the fact than he has not chosen Iago as his lieutenant. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? Othello sends the musicians away; he does not want to hear the music. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? He then mentions the handkerchief. Why does Iago leave Roderigo at Brabantio’s house? Treat it as something precious. Who gives Othello the message from the Duke? By not responding Othello thinks Iago knows something but is afraid to be the “bearer of bad news.” He also warns Othello of the perils of jealousy. He then continues by saying he sadly must dink all the time. How does Iago get back in Othello’s good graces? (Notice that he has not yet named Othello as Desdemona's husband.) Is there any chance of his changing his mind or of Desdemona’s convincing him of her innocence afterthis speech? Othello has been with him so long, his second in arms, they have fought in battles together, he "warned" Othello about Brabantio finding out about the secret marriage. 13. The Duke agrees and instructs that she be brought forth. and find homework help for other Othello questions at eNotes What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? Iago simply usesRoderigo’s weaknesses against him. Any audience would understand Brabantio’s desire to find a suitable match for his daughter. Brabantio, father of Desdemona, unwilling father-in-law of Othello, appears in all three scenes of Act I of the play. What is Brabantio’s reaction to Othello’s marriage to Desdemona? Brabantio, father of Desdemona, unwilling father-in-law of Othello, appears in all three scenes of Act I of the play. Iago confidently feels that Othello, who readily trusts Cassio, “can be easily lead by the nose” into believing that Cassio is too close to Desdemona, thus making the Moor, completely jealousy and furious with Cassio. Cassio is undone. Magic. When alone, Othello and Iago discuss relationships and commitment. Losing it or giving it away would be an unspeakable loss, a loss like none other. Terrible storms are at sea as the Venetian ships arrive. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? Desdemona? Who had the handkerchief at the end of Act 3? Because he doesn’t want Othello to know he is back stabbing him. What advice does Iago give to Roderigo? He tells Othello that Desdemona deceived her own father and she could very well be deceiving Othello too. Because Brabantio is a senator, and the Senate employs Othello, any move Othello might make against Brabantio will get him into deep trouble. Iago also has not has time to support his suspicions with more “evidence.” His convoluted and artfully wicked plan needs time to be fully developed. O, damn her! Report This +1. He needs Othello to lead the war against the Turks, but he also needs Brabantio's political support since Brabantio is a powerful senator. What is the situation at sea? How likely is it that Othello will keep an open mind until he has seen real proof? Who gets othello's estate? Who is Bianca? What is Othello’s response to Desdemona as she leaves? When she was dying she gave it to me and told me to give it to my wife when I got married. What action does Iago talk Roderigo out of by the end of act 1? “I greet thy love, /Not with vainthanks, but with acceptance bounteous, /And will upon the instant put thee to’t: /Within these threedays let me hear thee say /That Cassio’s not alive.” “…Damn her, lewd minx! What does Othello say of his lineage? How does Iago reassure Roderigo that … What warning does Brabantio give to Othello: He says Desdemona lied to him so she will lie to Othello too: Why is Desdemona coming to Cyprus: She wants to be with her husband: Why does the war end: The storm takes out the Turks: Who is Emilia: Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s maid: How does Iago see women compared to Cassios view of women His reluctance makes Othello’s passion and suspicion grow. Desdemona’s confusion is revealed when she is faced with an accusation that appears to “come out of nowhere.” Because she is confused, she simply does not know how to respond to such an accusation, and her only defense is to change the subject, to buy her time to find the handkerchief. He finds the selection not only unjustified, but completely incomprehensible. Get an answer for 'Why is Brabantio so dismayed about Desdemona's marriage, despite the fact that Othello is so honored and admired in Othello? ' “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; /It is the green-ey’d monster which doth mock /The meat it feeds on: that cuckold lives in bliss/ Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger; /But O, what damned minutes tells he o’er /Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!” (Act III.iii.p9). That being said Desdemona does not let what her father thinks get to her and stands by her decision by stating that her relationship with Othello is now more important than hers with her father. Cassio got the promotion to Lieutenant even though Iago had more time in serviceas a soldier. Where are we as Act 2 begins? What is the outcome of Cassio’s drinking? 3 answers. It is quite apparent and clear by the end of Act I that Iago is completely insensitive. Brabantio. Iago must leave and has remained hidden because he cannot appear to be against the Moor. Why does Iago want Cassio to ask Desdemona for help in restoring Othello’s faith in Cassio? Iago feels cheated by the selection of the “book-smart” Cassio’s selection as lieutenant. Perdition catch my soul, /But I do love thee! I did so: and take heed on’t; /Make it a darling like your precious eye; /To lose’t or give’t away were such perdition /As nothing else could match.” “…’Tis true: there’s magic in the web of it: /A sibyl, that had number’d in the world /The sun to course two hundred compasses, /In her prophetic fury sew’d the work; /The worms were hallow’d that did breed the silk; /And it was dy’d in mummy which the skillful /Conserv’d of maiden’s hearts.” (Act III.iv.p4). [“hang clogs” literally block, obstruction—but also—literally a weight attached to restrict an animals movement.] Describe Iago. 19. What is Roderigo’s previous relationship with Brabantio and Desdemona? What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? Iago loves or is sensitive to no one. 1.) How is Othello affected by this warning? What reason does Iago give for his hatred of Othello? Roderigo is upset that Desdemona and Othello’s union was allowed to stand, since he lusts after Desdemona. How, he asks, could a maid so "tender, fair, and happy" go to "to the sooty bosom / Of such a thing as thou" unless magic is involved. What do we learn about Othello and Desdemona in Othello's long defense of himself (1.3.76-169)? What is her emotional response? How does Iago convince Roderigo that he still has chance with Desdemona. Will they stay together or separate? Why is Roderigo so upset? Desdemona pledges her duty to Othello. 17. Roderigo is upset that Desdemona and Othello's union was allowed to stand, since he lusts after Desdemona. -He wanted Cassio to be a little drunk and argumentative when Roderigo would approach him later-Iago want Cassio to drink more wine to cloud his judgment; under the influence of alcohol, Cassio,like others, will act rashly. Because he thinks his wife, Emilia, had an affair with Othello: Why does Iago “hate the Moor”? The silk came from sacred silkworms, and it was dyed with fluid made from embalmed virgins’ hearts. "Look to her Moor if thou has eyes to see. Until the elopement his home has been a place of family harmony. Before Othello arrived, Montano was gravely wounded by Cassio. Othello. This will open the door for Iago to be the most trusted “man” in Othello’s eyes. He also casted doubt on Othello’s judgment for appointing Cassio, who might be drunk in a moment of crisis.-Iago tells Montano (aside) that Cassio is a good soldier but his vice is his love for alcohol. /My wayward husband hath ahundred times /Woo’d me to steal it; but she so loves the token,– /For he conjur’d her she shouldever keep it,– /That she reserves it evermore about her /To kiss and talk to. After all, he does put quite a bit of effort into picturing Othello and Desdemona having sex… and each of the images he presents to Brabantio involve Othello behind rather than on top of his lover… and Iago does vividly describe Cassio kissing him and laying his leg across his thigh… why doesn’t he push him away? Where are we as Act 2 begins? Will they stay together or separate? What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? This will allow Roderigo a better chance of getting Desdemona, since Othello and Desdemona will have to stay longer until a replacement for Cassio can be found-Iago wants Roderigo to engage Cassio into a fight. What warning does Brabantio give Othello? She must have change. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? WHat does Brabantio accuse Othello of using to seduce Desdemona? Emilia was a servant to Desdemona but also had affection and friendship for her. “You see this fellow that is gone before; — /He is a soldier fit to stand by Caesar/ And give direction: and do but see his vice; /’Tis to his virtue a just equinox, /The one as long as the other: ’tis pity of him. In his final soliloquy of Act I, Iago professes his hatred for the Moor and further expresses his suspicions about the Moor’s infidelity with his wife. That would advance Iago’s plot to make Othello jealous beyond reason-By asking Desdemona to intercede with Othello to aide Cassio, it may appear to others that hermotives for helping him are less than pure and out of friendship only. He is absolutely incapable of trust and entirely paranoid. What is Roderigo’s complaint, and what is Iago’s reply to it? Desdemona's father, Brabantio, is a rich and important Venetian politician. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? 4. By being reluctant to tell Othello his thoughts and making Othello drag the information out of him, Iago did lend credibility to his tale and did hold Othello’s friendship. The Turks are preparing to invade Cyprus, critical to the trade and economy of Venice. Othello admits that he married Desdemona.But he denies using any magic to win her love, and says that Desdemona will support his story. Iago suggests that the relationship between Othello and Desdemona is only physical, and once she is bored with that she will realize she's made a mistake and go looking for a more suitable partner. I did. She must die: Why does … [“hang clogs” literally block, obstruction—but also—literally a weight attached to restrict an animals movement.-Brabantio also warns him to beware because she has deceived her father – she is very likely to deceive him as well. She must learn that she made a mistake: What does Iago say must happen to Desdemona? Roderigo is upset that Desdemona and Othello’s marriage was allowed to stay since he is in love with Desdemona. It is then when she realizes her husband, Iago, used her in his devious plan. What lie does Iago tell Montano about Cassio? What warning does Brabantio give to Othello before Brabantio leaves the stage? His suggestions have worked havoc on Othello’s emotionally state and Othello’s suspicion has reached its height. 12. How does Cassio greet Desdemona and Emilia? He thinks that Brabantio will just have to make the best of the situation. Emilia is more than an attendant to Desdemona, she is a confidant and afriend. 20. Why does Iago hate Othello? 1.) Othello then requests that Desdemona be called to give testimony. According to the soliloquy at the end of play, what additional reason does Iago have for “hat[ing] the Moor”? Asked by … Othello’s ship and Cassio’s ship were traveling together but became separated during the storms. Iago wanted to plant it in Cassio’s possession to show Othello that Desdemona had given it as a favor to Cassio.-Emilia finds Desdemona’s handkerchief (given to her by Othello). Roderigo is upset that Desdemona and Othello's union was allowed to stand, since he lusts after Desdemona. The Turkish fleet was separated and completely destroyed by the tempests at sea because they were not bayed and shelters. I’ll have the work ta’en out, /And give’t Iago: /What he will do with it heaven knows, not I; /I nothing but to please hisfantasy.” (Act III.iii.p14). The Duke admits his own daughter would be won by the valiant stories of Othello. What does Iago say must happen to Desdemona? Emilia is Iago’s wife and attendant to Desdemona. While discussing, Iago’s reluctance to answer cultivate Othello’s growing doubts. As they wait for Desdemona to arrive, Othello says that Brabantio used to invite him to his house to hear his life story, with all its dramatic tales of travel, battle, and valor. She rejected him and he father is annoyed by hiscontinuing to court her and especially annoyed when awaken in the middle of the night by Roderigo. Brabantio Brabantio’s love for Desdemona. According to Othello, why did Desdemona fall for him? She will betray you just like she betrayed me. They will stay together besides iago lies because desdemona is loyal and stays loyal to and iago will be watching desdemona when he is off: Iago’s wife Emilia 22. Act Two 1. What warning does Brabantio give to Othello? Asked by Anonymous on 19th February, 2010. Roderigo courted and is in love with Desdemona. What is Roderigo’s complaint, and what is Iago’s reply to it? Emilia tells Cassio that Desdemona is already speaking to Othello on his behalf. He needs Othello to lead the war against the Turks, but he also needs Brabantio's political support since Brabantio is a powerful senator. What does Iago say about Brabantio? What he really wants to know is if Desdemona has been unfaithful.”That handkerchief Did an Egyptian to my mother give; /She was a charmer, and could almost read /The thoughts of people: she told her, while she kept it, /’Twould make her amiable and subdue my father /Entirely to her love; but if she lost it /Or made a gift of it, my father’s eye /Should hold her loathed, and his spirits should hunt /After new fancies: she, dying, gave it me; /And bid me, when my fate would have me wive, /To give it her. 3 Educator answers. Will they stay together or separate? 13. Why does Iago “hate the Moor”? As Cassio loses favor with Othello; Iago gains his support. According to the soliloquy at the end of play, what additional reason doe s Iago have for “hat[ing] the Moor”? I like notthat.” When Othello questions whether it was in fact Cassio, Iago further arouses his suspicion bysaying, ” No, sure, I cannot think it, that he would steal away so guilty-like, seeing you coming.”(Act III.iii.p3). And when I love thee not, /Chaos is come again.”(Act III.iii.p4). Brabantio clearly shows his anger with Desdemona getting married to the Moor, Othello, who is a black man. Othello responds by saying he loved her and when he stopped loving her the world will be in chaos like it used to be “Why then to-morrow night; or Tuesday morn; /On Tuesday noon, or night; on Wednesday morn: — /I pr’ythee, name the time; but let it not /Exceed three days: in faith, he’s penitent;” Upon her departure Othello replies, “Excellent wretch! There’s magic in its fabric. -Iago told Roderigo that if he can show Cassio as being undisciplined, he can cause “these Cyprus to mutiny” and have Cassio relieved of his duty. Why? What is Emilia’s view of men? The Egyptian told his mother as long as she kept with her Othello’s father would love and desire her, but if she lost it he would start hating her and look at other women. Stay together : What does Iago say must happen to Desdemona? How can anyone provide proof of fidelity? Brabantio is upset because Othello is not Venetian but Moorish. Now, I do love her too; /Not out of absolute lust,–though, peradventure, /I standaccountant for as great a sin,- /But partly led to diet my revenge” (Act II.i.p14-Cassio and Desdemona have been friends for some time. He likes Othello and invites him to visit his house a lot—but he never expected Othello to "steal" his daughter. Roderigo is upset that Desdemona and Othello's union was allowed to stand, since he lusts after Desdemona. “‘Tis not a year or two shows us a man: /They are all but stomachs and we all but food: /They eat us hungerly, and when they are full, /They belch us” (Act III.iv.p7). What, according to Othello, is the history of the handkerchief? Othello admits that he married Desdemona.But he denies using any magic to win her love, and says that Desdemona will support his story. He is a powerful Venetian senator. What is Iago’s plan to bring down Othello? Othello What is the warning from Brabantio that Iago echoes to Othello? -Emilia was Iago’s wife. Brabantio warns Othello that if his daughter, Desdemona, deceived him in order to marry Othello, then she can just as easily deceive Othello. 1 answers. How does Cassio greet Desdemona and Emilia? Why does Iago hate Othello? Where are we as Act 2 begins? Othello explains that the handkerchief is a family heirloom given to him by his mother. Responses, however, will vary based on students’ prior and personal experiences and knowledge. Why does Iago want Roderigo to anger Cassio? If Othello comes to the conclusion that his wife is not faithful “own his own” his feelings will be stronger and more indestructible.

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