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rwby fanfiction jaune multiverse

The only one from the list I watched was White Castle, and I hated that movie. Watch as Kali, Willow, Summer, Raven, and the other mothers of Vale dote on Jaune through the series of one-shots and short chapters to show how … I'll put a list of what I got planned already at the bottom. They smiled wider and waved, taking out their scrolls to record the cute moment, as Adrian grinned behind his shades while Alice smiled at her momma as she ringed a little bell on her bike. "You know...I've had this thought for months that this baby is definitely going to grow up to do amazing things in the future," he shakes his head, "and I don't think that's my pride as a new father talking. Jaune frowned, now understanding why he and his friend had been called back on duty. Glynda wondered if her child with the Arc would grow up to have the same taste in food, the adorableness of that thought made her smile. (Saphron: *Groans* "Come on Jaune, you know dad's advice is terrible."). "Usually, I'd point out that every new parent are obligated to think that of every child they have, no matter what. "Arc here." 4. "Congratulations! I can go all day~. He felt that his baby girl deserved it after all. the exasperated mother-to-be complained as she rested her head against the pillow. Several winced at hearing his voice again after witnessing his other's sacrifice, taking a few breaths to calm down. Finally after a few turns, he reached a turbolift. "We'll be in full visual range in ten seconds, captain, and we have a new message from Base. Velvet smiled a bit, seeing her older self's boldness. The couple broke off the kiss slowly, and their expressions became serious upon noticing the lack of that sound. I can act professional!" Penny shook her head. The quiet humming sound that had been permeating throughout the entire ship for the last few hours had stopped just now. It was swarming with activity as the bridge crew, consisting of humans, Faunus, and many other alien races, worked together seamlessly to come up with as much information as they could find about the situation happening right now. Out of boredom, a new God decides to show the cast of RWBY the different possibilities of one clumsy Knight. ", Yang smiled, flattered at being thought of as the most beautiful woman out of everyone in a government in control of such a large territory, with over a hundred planets and multiple alien races, by her husband. Pyrrha squealed with joy, "I'm so happy for you!" Jaune smirked slightly as he moved to his usual console station to the left of the captain's chair. "Polarize the viewscreen." I regret to inform you that "Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works" will not be featured in the Nexus. That's a promise." No one had an answer. James was confused. Community. But the former wore that for infiltration, and later changed into a new outfit anyway, while the latter had more color and personality done for her outfit. Knowing that Nora wasn't going to, Coco took a deep breath and asked Jack. Yang raised an eyebrow, 'Why does the second voice sound familiar?' for RWBY: A Multiverse Theory. "You lucky bitch." That earned him a sharp punch to his bicep and a glare that was becoming more deadly to him because of her newly-developed aura of motherhood. Nora did notice how generous the formfitting uniform was on older Ren's physique, and blushed as she drooled a bit at seeing her crush's body. I haven't watched most of what you suggested. 'You do not need to be foulmouthed to believe in yourself.' He thought as he went back to the screen. Yang chuckled warmly, and Jaune could see how motherly she was becoming with the baby coming. "My, Yang, you've grown into a beautiful woman", Summer praised, making the blondie smile widely. "We're dropping out of warp much sooner than expected." Something which the women noticed with glee as they could see some of his muscle tone. Just then, a mannequin lit up and once the light faded away, everyone saw that it was wearing the same outfit Terminator Jaune wore, while holding a shotgun in its left hand over its shoulder. My dad always said the perfect name will pop into our heads the moment the baby's born." They saw how happy those two onscreen were, and they didn't want to be a dick and deny their baby girl that happiness. Coco: "Agreed."). Guest: I've already done a ff reaction, chapter 12 (which I really do need to change the name of). "Who does he think he is, seducing my little dragon? 'What?!' "Are we just gonna ignore this guy? He is also the only chance for salvation in many worlds within the Multiverse. Yang sheepishly said, "Maybe the Federation is spread thin at the moment?" ", Damian said in anger. At least I'm beautiful enough to be worth it." the female voice teased back. He stopped suddenly in the doorway for a moment, then quickly turned around with a half-cocked grin, a silly wink, and a finger gun pointing at his wife. "That's too close to the border to just overlook this. Done! She glomped a surprised Ren as she babbled on how cool it was to see him there, and as Jaune's friend again. *Ahem* Anyway, join us as we explore the past and the potential futures of this brave soul. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks again to hazeleyes180 for your story, hope the reactions were satisfactory for you so far :) ! They're young, but they've been taught to create as small a profile as possible when in a fight, and seeing a ship with that big a profile confused them. The noise made by their scuffle had also allowed Mercury to wake up, who glared at Emerald for the knockout. His friend grinned back as they shook hands firmly. "Ren!" More. This is the first time anyone from Remnant has seen a spaceship before, and the design is a little weird to be honest. She stopped by Yang's bedside and began scanning the patient with her device upon linking to the bed's monitoring system. What! I know that it's been explained that the ship's engines are so powerful that they would be dangerous to be near, hence why they're external and far away from the main body. This ship needs you, and I'll be waiting right here with our baby when you're done. "Yang, take that thing off!" A collection of Writing Prompt Wednesday archives and entries by various users from r/RWBY. "I will do my best to make sure that future happens. She said, trying to defend the organization her other's hubby is a part of. Lie Ren, being a brilliant science officer with the ability to capture all attention whenever he spoke, was very capable on scientific matters and would offer plausible theories for whatever they might find. "Now, here's the situation. As you can see, I got plenty on my plate for full movies to show right now. Adventure awaits! Many were interested, "What was it called? Yang asked at the same time as Weiss and Ruby asked "She is?" He grins as he magically constructs a tiara made up of beautifully interwoven silver strands with a golden gem placed in the center and a bit down from the main body. I really do want to start on the Marvel Universe soon though. Founded by the Humans/Faunus, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites, The Federation is considered one of the most powerful interstellar states in known space, encompassing eight thousand light years, and over 150 formal member worlds. The tight shirt was a little stretched against his developed muscles, showing he kept himself in good shape. Penny immediately 'borrowed' Ruby's scroll to take a few pictures of the machines. "Bridge." As the two let go of each other, they swore to at least make sure that their little Ruby would remain pure and innocent, causing said girl to blush in embarrassed mortification. sammykordy10: SAO Abridged and DBZ Abridged. Though some didn't really like how the outfit looked, too boring for their tastes *cough* Coco *cough*. The other children looked at the sight with some nostalgia, wanting to play along with their baby sister. Yang blushed, but smiled. Will have mature content in it. Cinder sighed at the idiocy of her henchman, seeing how a lot of people were glaring at his crumpled body. 'I won't give up!' 3. Amber pouted next to her mom, "Why's everyone laughing? She begged as she crossed her fingers and legs together. If space is the same as being underwater, and the main engines blew up, it would not matter if the crew survived the explosion or not. "They don't work", Adam said in anger, "Relex bull boi, de work, de jus coverr sem soun' frum loud noises'", Damian said. Ren stood straight and gave Jaune a small smile in return. He would then curse and call the people incredibly offensive words despite him not being good at the game to begin with (he constantly tried to create a ramp without walls for protection and gets sniped, never got very far up). The children teared up at the sight of the outfit before it moved. The Arc couple exchanged amused grins for a moment, before Jaune fixed Yang with his most confident expression that reminded her of why she fell in love with him. For one: it'll be very confusing for the others to see Jaune as the evil Terminator when they just finished watching a good version of him. Yatsuhashi Daichi replied, and there was a click as the call apparently switched to someone else at Starfleet, because a woman's voice began speaking now. Seeing the smooth interactions between the humans and the other races, including Faunus, had the Faunus in the audience in awe. ", Nora asked, "Just a friend of Damian and one seriously old man", Zeik said with a shrug. Anyway like it’s stated above I’m leaving characters/worlds up to the readers so feel free to post your input on who you want as well as a … The only ones who wear something close to Starfleet are Ilia and Velvet. (3). Now everyone was interested, "Was it like a charity event? TermaGamer: Not a fan of Fortnight. I imagine we'll be welcoming a beautiful and very healthy new life just when we're about to arrive at Remnant." Near the borders of…" She blinked, then looked to Jack, "Are those Kli-whatever friendly?". Weiss blinked. From what the audience could see of this version of Jaune, he was apparently dressed in a tight blue long-sleeved uniform shirt and black pants that looked to be of a futuristic and minimalist design. Some of the mothers smiled as they rubbed their own bellies, remembering the magical feeling of their babies kicking, and chuckling at Yang's words. At his other's admittance to being married and expecting, many of Ren's friends stopped to stare at the blushing young man. Come back soon." ", Tai sighed, and rubbing his sore neck, said "While I still hate the idea of one of my little girls pregnant, I agree with the kid. "Maybe with a few more curse words for good measure. "How the hell did I let a country boy like you convince me to hold off on naming our baby until after it's born? Now, as I wrote down for another one's response, here's a list of (full) movies I'm planning on reacting to (not in order and no Marvel listed, pretty sure I already made clear which movies I'm reacting for that): 300 (with changes to make it more epic [and a bit more historically accurate]), Indiana Jones (can't decide which, but it's only one of them). He was dressed in the Starfleet uniform as well, except that his shirt was white to denote him as part of the science/medical division in contrast to Jaune's command blue. I'm an aunt!" Amber scratched her head, "Yeah, wouldn't the design make it easy for enemies to land more hits on them?" However, that didn't stop a lingering sense of doubt, that she would end up just like Raven and simply walk away from everything. #yang. "Back off, old man!". FanFiction. "Kelvin, have you double-checked these readings?" "Naming the baby after one of my exes...maybe it's worth a shot." 12/22/2020 c6 RonaldM40196867 Never drink. If anyone's going to lay a crown on your head, it should be me." "Summer, you have no idea how great it is to see you", Tai said in years as said woman smiled as she pet Ruby's head, the young girl having stayed attached to the woman. Summer squealed "I have a grandbaby!" ", Tai said, nervous, "Ok, first off, those of you who are Faunus or have sensitive hearing, please step forward and grab a headphone", Zeik ordered. Just In. Speaking of which, reviews! … ", Suddenly, they felt a strong kick under their joined hands from the baby inside the womb, making the mother-to-be wince slightly in discomfort. "–, everyone else were speechless by who entered the bay. She felt she had the right to dismiss his compliments for now, since she looked like a mess with a huge bloated belly about to push out a baby along with lots of disgusting fluids and afterbirth. Though movie/show historical ones seem to take most of the space up (opposite problem for names though, funny enough). "I'm thinking I can finally have some dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets instead of crappy mess hall food when we disembark." The Kelvin immediately slowed to a stop just before the developing phenomenon. She just smiled softly, took his hand into both of hers, and lifted it up to lightly kiss his open palm several times. Raven felt old just by looking at her daughter's older self. Share this page. 'Man, I don't know if their hearts can take this one.' Jack shook his head, "Not really." The General didn't know if what the man was wearing was part of a military. Tai smiled at the sight, then turned towards Saphron. rwby fanfiction watching jaune gintama. Odin fainted in shock, while Frigga clapped in joy, "Yes, I get to have grandbabies!". Yatsuhashi replied in a dry tone (Nora: "Burn!"). Velvet saw this, and mouthed "Thank you", which the two just nodded. We don't even know the gender yet either, and I'm getting a little stressed out now with no actual name to give our baby once I pop it out." "That is true sir, though I believe our cooks have made some breakthroughs into making them more edible.". Most of the mothers cooed, thinking it sweet of Jaune. Well, no answer that was useful anyway. The audience could tell they were way advanced beyond anything possible on Remnant in their time period; not even the latest in Atlas technology came close to matching what they've seen on the screen, and it was only a small glimpse! Tai and Qrow tensed. "Hell no." ", Winter nods, "With such a vast territory the Federation has to police, there wouldn't be many ships available. Tai glanced at Raven, remembering how devastated he was when she left, then looks back at onscreen Yang's smile. 'A girl can dream though.'. "Who's the one that wanted a natural birth, huh?" No one understood what a 'gravitational fluctuation' was, but figured that it was bad based on the Captain's tone of voice. Her sisters nodded in agreement, showing everyone how similar Jaune's children were despite coming from separate universes. Though she knew her husband was just throwing random names out now to distract her from the upcoming birth, and also the contractions building up to it. Ruby and Summer felt the same thing, wondering who the female voice belonged to. But...I do have to agree with you here." It looks like a lightning storm from here.". "You should see this. the beautiful mother-to-be's smile seemed to brighten up the room for a moment. Forum. Even Whitley and Willow, who didn't have military or Huntsmen training couldn't help but think that that was a stupid idea. Oz and Salem smiled, remembering when she was pregnant with their angels. The Multiverse paramour Jaune Arc. Jaune Arc is a not-so simple young man, with a past shrouded in secrecy. (1). While he was in Pyrrha's hug, he reached over and tapped her on the nose, "Boop. "Jaune, it's okay. 12/22/2020 c7 RonaldM40196867 Break time. "It's alright, I completely understand. "Um, I'm not sure you should be doing that, sir. I forgot to add this last chapter. (Yang: "Hell no, that's a terrible name." Her eye twitched a bit, 'And with my luck, it was both that corrupted her.'. RedDragonRevan: I'm going to do Jaune as Noble Six in Reach, and a rather great Admiral from a different time. As Jack explained the Federation, the more people were amazed by it. Leaving everyone confused. She then frowned with a deadpan stare, "and it looks like you're wearing the same overalls as well. RWBY: Watch The Jaune's of The Multiverse (Jaune X Harem) (Rewrite in Notice). She teared up, but tapped his nose back with a large smile. ", Ren smiled, and nodded in gratitude. Jaune replied with an apologetic expression, then smirked. "At least we know where Ruby gets it from", Blake whispered to Weiss, who nodded, though was confused. Surprising, considering that most of the children were born from Joker-Jaune. It's why I'm hitching a ride on this ship back to Remnant in the first place, after all.". Her friends nodded, wanting to know just how Jaune managed to convince Yang to wait that long. Jaune's voice finally spoke after a long pause, though it clearly sounded like he was grimacing. While the outfit looked streamlined, he felt it was too minimalistic for his tastes. That's why I left the ending as it was, there was no way a Rebellion could form if there aren't enough people willing to fight against a regime that freed them of their greatest enemy with no way to harm them. As a result many of the heroes, villains, and children all facepalmed. Rwby fanfiction the nightmare memories in arc multiverse theater rwby fanfiction yandere weiss x jaune my little firefly a fanfiction rwby it runs in the family fate rwby Meanwhile, Qrow felt his heart shatter. The Faunus were amazed. ", Ruby asked, "I just spent the last 3 hours yelling at a bowl of rice, and before that, I had cried after seeing paint dry", Zeik said. Her long golden blond hair was frazzled, she had no makeup on, was sweating a little from some exertion, and her striking lilac eyes were slightly bloodshot from lack of sleep. The main difference from the Ren in the audience was that the on-screen version also had his black hair cropped short, though a little longer than Jaune's, with a short magenta strand over his forehead that matched his eyes. He would do anything to protect his new family, and a possible issue that could lead to another escalation in the decades-long conflict with the Klingons was enough to get his mental alarms blaring. Her mind immediately going to all the best ways on how to spoil her grandbaby rotten. Odin, seeing how his baby girl was reacting to the boy's older form, wondered if he was right for his little warrior. Ironwood spoke somewhat regretfully, but his tone told the couple there was no choice. Why is that dunce so important! Second: I got a lot of movies to react to on my list (the 8 Marvel movies I'm planning counts for 1/4 of the list of full movies I'm planning). James didn't know how that works, but nodded all the same. Worst RWBY fanfiction you ever read? The screen was still pitch-black, but the audience could hear voices fading in, apparently in the middle of a conversation. But like he said: he's still a Jaune, so he would have some aspects of Jaune that would be sort of universal, like being a decent dad. ', Qrow looked at then screen with determination, "If you don't take care of my innocent little niece, I will find a way to go to your world and give you a painful introduction to Harbinger.". We'll have to get together soon when we're settled in with our new kids." The outfit is a bit boring compared to what the RWBY characters usually wear. Laxi announced with a friendly smile as she snapped her tricorder closed. he reminded with a strained smile. It gave out a very foreboding feeling. Ren added his piece with his brow furrowed in thought. "Doesn't matter; you're stuck with me. Those who called Jaune a friend, or at least had positive interactions with him, all had a collective gasp in fear for him after that. "I love you, Yang.". "Unbelievable," Weiss said with a jealous huff, "the child hasn't even been born yet, and already its father has shown more love for it than our own has for our entire lives.". This ship was a unique design even among the wide variety of Federation ship designs out there, since many of them used at least two engine nacelles instead of just one. Winter blushed at seeing the young man's clean features, vastly different to others she knew. "Starfleet Base, we've sent you a transmission. "No killing our second-in-command in my bay, Mrs. Arc; even if he deserves it." He smiled, "That would be wonderful." Yang gaped at the woman's answer being the same as hers. Neo: "Oh, don't be a baby!"). Pyrrha squealed again, bringing the two closer in her embrace. Her job done, Summer went back to squealing with joy as she grabbed Ruby and Yang and hugged them, asking them how long it'll take for them to give her grandchildren. Coco looked at her teachers, "Hey, no fair! ", Everyone was still confused, 'How does a civilian organization follow a naval structure?'. "Hey, I grew up too! "Uh, why are the engines away from the main body though? He paused the viewing, took out his data pad, and began reading. A few of the female students drooled at the sight, the joy in his eyes looking more like the Jaune they know and love. Still, that is an awesome idea, a shame I'm too much of an idiot when it comes to the Legends Expanded Universe :(. What if something were to go wrong?". Nora squealed "Renny!" "None that we can pick up, Lieutenant Ren. "Alright everyone, get ready, the next video's starting up", Zeik said, stepping forward to the group, who remained partially silent during the family's reunion. Janne Rolfe Jalandoni: Already working on reactions to the whole game. Her blush deepened at the thought. Pyrrha gushed at the speech, "Awe, he believes in his child so much, that's soo sweet~!" She thought that attacking from a place that didn't house any military bases was a brilliant move on their part, a way to keep the Federation from catching wind of a possible attack. Sure? "Nice, I wond-" before he could finish whatever he planned to say, he got slapped by a pissed off Neo and Emerald, causing him to drop from his seat in pain. (abused male reader x RWBY) - Bio. ', Tai took that moment to stare back at the screen, wishing to tear the man's head off. "Bold move there." "Bridge to Arc." She also wondered if he was in a military unit based on what he was wearing. Nora just grinned at the idea of her dad breaking some poor shmuck's back. Whitley looked down, wondering what his life would've been if he had this man for a father. "I certainly hope it'll be sooner rather than later, doc." he said proudly as he moved his wife's hand up to kiss her knuckles with a suave smile, getting an amused and unladylike snort from Yang. Ironwood shook his head and turned toward the bridge's door with the other men falling into step behind him. "Oh my!". They then saw the cylindrical secondary hull, housing the deflector dish and hanger, attached dorsally at the back of the saucer. The Kelvin was returning from its months-long deep space and scientific exploration mission on its way back to Remnant, the Federation's homeworld, when its long-range sensors picked up something odd near the Klingon Empire's border. Jaune stated, and Yang nodded her affirmation (Nora: "Oh come on, can't we just enjoy some niceness for a change?!"). Jaune exclaimed with a big grin, and Ren nodded back in affirmation with a small smile. Yang, with her tiara still on and keeping her dad in check with a chokehold with the help of her mom, grinned at the screen. "Welcome to the family. Yang though, who recovered fast enough, fought back. The Schnee siblings felt the same for their father. This also finally revealed the owner of the female voice. I apologize if my comments weren't respectful. Out of boredom, a new God decides to show the cast of RWBY the different possibilities of one clumsy Knight. Penny hummed. ", the heiress asked, "I will not be anywhere near that beast", Blake vowed, pointing to the happy Zwei, laying in his comfortable doggie bed. After a moment, their expressions became serious. ", Penny nods, "That's nice." Jaune slammed the door to the bar wide open, and saw it empty. Man, haven't watched Kindergarten Cop in years. I just finished speaking with Command, and we've been tasked to get close and document whatever's happening." ", Kali asked, picking on up, "Because it's for this world and any future world's that might be too loud for you. Immediately, the viewscreen darkened to lessen the harsh glare of the nearby red dwarf flooding into the room, and everyone was able to see better now.

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