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big cats in nh

As about 2 years ago she started to a little bit of her wild side. So nowadays we think of this in the Northeast as crazy stuff that people have a mountain lion as a pet. And really whenever you hear tiny code and long rope like tale it's kind of hard to pin this sighting on any other creature rather than an outline or just nothing else really matches that description. Age data recorded from bobcat collected in NH supports these reported ages. No I saw a camel. You're on the air. Oh you saw him online. There have been random official reports of these cats in New England states surrounding New Hampshire and DNA testing on scat found in 2002 in NH’s Ossipee Mountains was confirmed to be from a … We're not in the woods. Peter Biello: And that will make identification for a layperson rather difficult. We actually have the largest subspecies of bobcat in the northern part of our state which they can get up to 40 and over 40 pounds which looks like an 80 pound the animal to visually and quite large. Caller: I do. There's these animals aren't coming with a map saying oh I want to go here. Litters average 2-3 young, known as kittens, though literature reports birth rates can vary from 1-7 young. Caller: Oh yeah. So give us a call now. These were normal everyday folks. We have evidence and as biologists we would find it quite exciting to find that evidence of one in the state. Well let me ask maybe Pat and Rick about this. You know I'm like seriously I can't get a picture of the thing but what it what it is. What kind of animal is that. So so. I believe I saw one that's fine and I'm not looking for an immediate story. And that's this morning at 10:00 here on NH PR. Bobcats live in scrubby or broken forests (hardwood, coniferous, or mixed), swamps, farmland, semi-deserts, scrubland, and rocky or bushy arid lands. The term is because mascots notwithstanding right that they're referred to with a lot of different terms and sometimes they can be confused with a lot of different terms. Peter Biello: Well hey Rob. Thanks also to Rick van de Poll naturalist and founder of ecosystem management consultants of New England and Sam Evans Brown host of an HP podcast outside in about the natural world and how we use it. The most common wildcat in North America, the bobcat is a yellowish-brown or reddish-brown (more gray in winter) color with indistinct dark spotting and streaks along its body. No that's a little bit outside the range. Patrick Tate: So one thing I'd say is DNA would definitely identify an animal animal's Mark line or not. Bobcat are commonly confused with the Canada lynx given the overlapping historic range of both species in certain areas of northern US and southern Canadian regions. This is the exchange. Patrick Tate: So it's very typical. Patrick Tate: And there's one other way to model that is the same animal. Patrick Tate: So the individuals can say that but for an agency that's based on science and what not to to go off with no evidence and then get into that giant debate and all these other issues and put credibility at risk I don't think that would be a great path to take. Spartacus, a 4-year-old, 40-pound African serval, was found Saturday morning near its home. Peter Biello: I did mention four feet nose to tail would be kind of small for a mountain lion. So maybe a good pet for you but not for your neighbor if you just stop by unannounced. Patrick Tate: So I just got to throw a little interesting side note in this. It was in the spring flash kind of early summer and my wife looked at you look at the size of an adult bear and we were up in arms. We're gonna cue you up and bring into the program listeners in just a moment but I want to ask about the role that Mountain Lions play in the ecosystem we've been talking a lot about mountain lions traveling and being sort of hard to track as they move. Peter Biello: Well yeah. They're just moving around freely. That's pretty elaborate. You've got you've got biologists right who are trying to make their make their way in the world make a career if you are the biologists who confirmed a sighting of mountain lions in the state that would be very good for you like you would be all over the news. I hope she's listening and she had spoke to a lot of different people ended up having a couple of sightings of her alone without sort of by accident. John you're on the air. Patrick Tate: In theory it's a passing ball of a court and it goes wherever the bottom Ball wants to go. Patrick Tate: Exactly I was gonna bring that up juvenile male of. Bobcats are ambush predators that frequent wildlife paths to prey on rodents to white tailed deer. So you know until I found those two scats I didn't think that mountain lions were here in the east. The bobcat is capable of fasting during periods of limited food availability, though take advantage of environmental conditions, such as winter snow depth during these times, to kill large prey, such as deer, turkey and potentially livestock. Well thanks for sharing. Peter Biello: But clearly you know you're saying like hoaxes people who claim to have seen a mountain lion but knowingly have not or are appropriating photos taken elsewhere of legit mountain lion say out West where they people acknowledge that they exist certainly knowingly or unknowingly in this case the person who sent it to me said hey a friend of mine sent me this photo and said he took it on his back porch also. Anyways after three weeks I finally found the image on line on a field and stream photo contest and the explanation in the end was the person that set the camera out with another individual and they believed that someone who knew of the camera location saw the similarities put the can't picture on their SD card so it looked like that camera recorded the image that is. Males are sexually active year-round, but females are typically in heat in February and March. We send out DNA samples to the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. And that the Florida panther was more closely related to the eastern outline than the western mountain lion was. 'The Beast of Bodmin' or another big cat, pictured near St Austell on another occasion. Caller: Yeah. Yes. And as the biologist who's gonna stand on this and if I'm going to say this is a proven picture I need to be able to stand on it so soundly and have the evidence so I going to go through it with a fine tooth comb kept picking pieces apart trying to answer these pieces. Let us know your story and share your photos. The report came in from a conservation officer. She quotes a biologist in Lyme New Hampshire who who is keeping two mountain lions himself so in the not too distant past in the early nineteen hundreds it was perhaps more common and still in Maine. Male bobcats in New Hampshire average 27 pounds while females average 17. But having read a bit of information about his cougar there are a darker subspecies. But on the other side of that coin there is this sense that there have been so many sightings locally and you guys Patrick you might recall the name the Wyndham McCracken she kind of turned herself into a local authority off authorities the right word but she was very dedicated to this. All they think it traveled north through Canada up you know crossed across the Great Lakes and then and then down again through New York State. The feet, tail, and ear tuft length are the best distinguishing features when comparing species. The subspecies occupying New Hampshire is known as Lynx rufus gigas. I would just suggest that in my experience as a reporter covering this covering this issue for a few years at least at what point do we reach a certain critical mass for lack of a better term of accounts where I'm not to suggest that you guys aren't taking this possibility seriously. And a lot of people around the county airport have seen a lot of pilots coming in said they saw huge. And I just said I saw I saw they from behind the shoulder all the way past the long tail. John. What do you think that. You know you have to have a license and it's hard to get that license a license to own a mountain lion. And in fact in 2011 when it was announced that the eastern cougar was officially extinct the reason that announcement was made is because they said really that it never existed. You saw what you saw. So I think in that story there's there's something for the believers and the nonbelievers and I and you know Mark L. Brock is who is a gentleman with the cougar Network told me this story is evidence that that if they were here we would know about it. Caller: Hey guys how you doing. Peter Biello: Give us a call 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7 you can also send us an email exchange at an HP morgue. Peter Biello: Yeah well what do you think Pat is. County road and all of a sudden a big cat jumps out of the woods over a stone wall stood in the middle of the dirt road as I rode towards it. We want answers. So so do what you can get to do what you can to get proof. You don't know what's going on. So one thing I'd point out is we've been talking about situations with no evidence a number of them come in with photographs and yet what they fit what they description of the animal they saw and by the way I got a picture of what I saw. The cat had been trapped, according to the Merrimack Police Department. TICA (The International Cat Association) registers Savannahs and it is a domestic cat registry. The big cat has been extinct at least the eastern mountain lion has been extinct here since the mid 80s hundreds. Sue Morse: First and foremost if you have color or if you could see details of color look at the front of the face around the Pumas muzzle the muzzle itself is pure white. Individuals have one natal den and other auxiliary dens for protection located throughout their home ranges. Yes and you want to share what you learned. As I tried to get a picture of it so there was it was definitely we looked up all the pictures and it was definitely not a bobcat or anything else being it looked just like a mountain lion. Peter Biello: Wow. If you missed part of today's program listen to the exchange. I'm Peter B yellow. I'm Peter Biello. In New Hampshire, bobcats are thought to historically have had the greatest presence in the southwest corner of the state. Fish and Game then deny the evidence. They lived perhaps elsewhere in New England and they were just passing through and happened to have an encounter of some sort. Now Bobcat is a completely different species. Peter Biello: Today on the program Patrick Tate New Hampshire Fish and Game Wildlife biologist and far better project leader Sam Evans Brown host of an HP podcast outside in which is about the natural world and how we use it. Peter Biello: Let's talk to Ron and where Ron thanks very much for calling. About two years ago I was at the Laconia airport on the way home from the airport and there's a big lake on one side called Lily Pond. Peter Biello: From New Hampshire Public Radio I'm Peter Biello in for Lark Knoy and this is the exchange. Peter Biello: Well Karl Jarvis a former reporter for The King's son Nile thank you very much for for calling in and sharing your perspective and to his point Patrick T. I mean yes we haven't met the scientific burden of proof here in New Hampshire as far as physical evidence is is concerned but is there room at Fish and Game For A kind of an informal nod to all of the people who have somehow convinced themselves and possibly some others that yeah there may be occasional sightings here. Today she talked with us a little bit before the show about why the mountain line is so compelling and why we want it to be part of our world. Patrick Tate: Okay. Sam Evans-Brown: So Tim so this cat's been been referenced a couple of times I think we should talk about it specifically lay the whole story out for folks who haven't heard the story because it's actually I think really indicative of a lot of stuff for talking about. And because you know things flow downhill and I was pushed to go investigate it more and met with the individual two or three times and there was a bunch of inconsistencies about the photograph. I mean it wasn't your idea. So that's the specimen that you find going long distances. Peter Biello: Nice to be here. On a dirt road. Animal Rescue Network of New England in Pelham, NH has pets available for adoption. I'm gonna send you a letter that we researched this report and we spoke with those labs and the lab wrote in their letter to us that they could only say that Scott contained white Tea Party fur and that they could not say what deposited the scout because it's far too degraded listeners we'd love to hear from you about your mountain lion sightings if you have seen one or if you if you think you have give us a call we'd love to hear your story 1 800 8 9 2 6 4 7 7. There have been several alleged sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. Copyright © New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.An official New Hampshire government website. Patrick Tate: If I could just say one thing. But no proof was offered. There have been several sightings of mountain lions in New Hampshire recently. Absolutely. brings a lot of. When Main Coon kittens mature, they become large in size. So that did it for me. Patrick Tate: No downward pressure at all I think actually Sean turned up and we found the evidence there a number of people would finally say finally we can put this debate to bed. And trying to figure out the little pieces to identify him so I bring up the names the differences but the appearances can be confusing for some. Information that weed family automotive dot com sunny for today high temperatures low to mid 80s clear tonight overnight lows in the 50s tomorrow sunny highs in the upper 80s. I just saw the head and the tail that was leaving. I think as Pat was saying you know 35 to 50 pounds on a male be reasonable range whereas mountain lions you're up to 100 110 maybe even 130 pounds on a big male. So. Patrick Tate: I've from all the situations I've read and learned about wildlife. Rick shaking his head so Rick now correct me please. So we're fixated on natural but there's other possibilities. So for those reasons I don't believe the standards are too high the amount of game cameras out on the landscape to record images department alone through contracts had over 150 throughout the state biologists go through various deer yards throughout the year. This is a machine-generated transcript, and may contain errors. Bobcats mark their territory with urine, feces, anal gland scent, and scrapes on physical markers, such as trees. Is there something particularly hospitable about New Hampshire Forests that make them want to come here. So I will just say this is a big reason why there have not been confirmed sightings I think is that the evidence required first. The tail is 4-7 inches in length with 2 or 3 black bars, while the underside is white. Excerpted from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website. Main Content. And just one more note about this danger question when even when you look at the states that have extended populations stable populations of mountain lions attacks are relatively rare. This list would be much longer if a complete list of invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, clams and snails) were included. But if you were to get Western dispersing mountain lions just would just sort of expanding into New Hampshire. I saw that had this giant the bobcat had this giant sweeping which is John Bobcat don't have big sweeping tails. And I can recall its information but I can't confirm or verify anything. Rick your thoughts. By the 1970s, bobcat populations had decreased, bounties were removed, and structured hunting and trapping seasons were enacted. A lot of times. Are there other powers that be worried that scary mountain lions will scare off people from camping in New Hampshire. And I was probably about a half a mile from downtown all village on the right. Feline Friends is a no-kill, non-profit organization with a 501c3 status. So and so they so they do get pretty involved. He said matter of fact I do. Well let's hear from from Sue Morse again science director for the organization keeping track. I would say that there's going to be the truth in here somewhere. So before we get to the the the the stories of sightings we're getting a lot of calls. I just want to tell you a story that I read. No evidence and other states where Mountain lights have turned up. And I have to use that word allegedly because there is so much dispute about what people see and what they actually see. We live around Cold Springs Campground and it was undeniably a mountain lion. Caller: Are probably. So the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station has a database on mountain lion and they can identify. The species is loudest when yowling during breeding season. The species gets its common name from its characteristic stubby, or “bobbed,” tail. Early in the morning. She weighs about 25 26 lbs. So so in 2011 a mountain lion was killed in a car accident in Connecticut a car hit a mountain lion and killed it. m from a weed family Automotive on store Street in Concord is serving the Concord area families automotive needs since 1995. Less than a year later I found a scat on the swamp range and I was working at the time with a fellow at the Michigan wildlife habitat Federation. So here in New Hampshire when a person turns in something that the Department believes is possible mountain lion and believes it should be investigated further. Rick van de Poll: Oh yeah absolutely. OK. Rick van de Poll: Rick and I would add that if a mountain lion male takes up residence and successfully finds a female as pets there's gonna be a lot more evidence there will be like deer carcasses up in trees and territorial marking and claw marks and tracks and it you know dispersal is gonna be very tough to see or observed but residential parrots a totally different story. And I think a lot of folks would like them to be around. Adult bobcats are solitary except during mating periods. I mean no doubt a seen Bobcat seen his stuff. Some argue that it's a leap of faith. (CNN) A 40-pound African cat was reunited with its owners in New Hampshire after being reported missing for over 48 hours. They just end up in these places. These structured seasons fluctuated from open to closed during the late 1970s while remaining monitored and open during the 1980s. But I do think that it's appropriate that a fishing game agency would recognize verifiable proof if they could. So. That includes Southern New Hampshire, where the big cats have been seen in East Derry in the past few weeks. He played a pivotal role and he battled for recognition. If you go on YouTube and search mount lion Pat you can see people patent their hundred pound kiddie like its regular mascot cat. So yeah as far as wildlife species that put deer and trees know there aren't any others that I know of that put deer in trees just just humans might be responsible for that. Caller: And then there's the Lily Pond Road and then there's a six foot tall fence. Fish and Game looked into the labs to have them confirm the information in the reports which the labs did not. Peter Biello: Well John thanks very much for the story really appreciate it.

Example Of Movement In Geography, Menards 8x8 Post Base, Cheap Cars Oahu, Theo Dark Chocolate Nutrition, Bernette Sew And Go 1 Price, Star Planer Rod,

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