Declension I. Conventionally, Russian nouns have six cases: nominative case, genitive case, dative case, accusative case, instrumental case, and prepositional case. Some nouns (such as borrowings from other languages, abbreviations, etc.) These pages are meant to be helpful references for first-year Russian students, not comprehensive explanations of the whole of Russian grammar. Masculine stems in ж, ч, ш, щ Russian stems that end in sibilants have slightly different endings depending on whether they are end stressed or stem stressed because they are subject to a spelling rule: Spelling rule 2: After ж, ч, ш, щ, and ц— never write an unstressed о, instead use е. In Russian… Nominative plural is used only without numerals: э́ти дома́ (these houses); cf. sg.). This page continues the frequency list for 500 widely used Russian nouns and their English translations. Different Russian numerals have very different types of declension. There are three sub-categories (male, female, and neuter) each with their own rules of declension – that is, how the endings of the nouns change according to case in sentences (See Declension of regular nouns, not yet available). Up to ten additional cases are identified in linguistics textbooks,[1][2][3] although all of them are either incomplete (do not apply to all nouns) or degenerate (appear identical to one of the six simple cases). Nothing illustrates this more than склон е ние фам и лий [declension of last names]. declension translation in English-Polish dictionary. Sing.-us(-er)-i-o-um. Short forms by themselves can form "reemerging" vocative case (sometimes called neo-vocative); it is used for calling a familiar person, substituting nominative singular by removing last vowel (Артём – Тёма – Тём, О́льга – О́ля – Оль). Nouns ending with -ий, -ия, -ие (not to be confused with substantivated adjectives) are written with -ии instead of -ие in Prepositional: тече́ние – в ни́жнем тече́нии реки́ "streaming – in lower streaming of a river". After ж, ч, ш, щ, ц hard masculine nouns have the ending -ом in the instrumental, when the stress falls on this ending: ножом (knife),   отцом (father). Masculine nouns take a consonant plus –u, -e, or –i endings and the plural is marked by a final –i. This unit presents ten such words. Maurice I. Levin. стапятидесятитрёхты́сячный (153,000-th), while the next is сто пятьдеся́т три ты́сячи пе́рвый (153,001-st). Cases Singular Plural; Nom: студ е нт : … - А раздеваться здесь не запрещено! Да так, встре́тил одного́ дру́га, пришло́сь поговори́ть, трое друзей на охоту пошли, вижу двоих мужчин, вижу двое саней, Masculine (and common-gender as masculine and mixed-gender) nouns in, трое друзей, пятеро мальчиков, шестеро мужчин, Нас было четверо. a condition (sometimes):   в бреду (delirious);  в долгу (in debt). Both types are more common in spoken language than in literary (though being acceptable in both styles) and generally are forms of kinship terms, given names and their diminutives:[13] ма́ма — ма́мин 'mom's', оте́ц — отцо́в 'father's', Са́ша — Са́шин 'Sasha's' /for diminutives from both Alexandr and Alexandra/. In this table you can find all the endings and how they change. пятьдеся́т (50) – Gen. пяти́десяти etc. (+инф., coll., used without negation usually in questions, to convey the opposite meaning). Same method is used to read long numerals unrelated to a noun (phone numbers, address indexes, etc. : -em (e.g. чья? Russian differentiates between hard-stem (as above) and soft-stem adjectives. While first declension nouns end in "-a", second declension nouns (masculine, since we've dispensed with neuters) usually end in "-us," "-ius," or "er." Grammatical case refers to a word’s function in a sentence. Fractions are formed as: (how much parts), expressed by cardinal number in case of the phrase, plus (of how numerous parts), expressed by ordinal number; the construction is formed as like it were related to word часть "part" (grammatically feminine), which is usually omitted. Historically, some of these irregularities come from older declensional patterns that have become mostly obsolete in modern Russian. Examples: (at what time?). Ask Question Asked 10 months ago. This guide will go through the rules to help you figure out the genders of nouns in the Russian language. someone. три до́ма (3 houses; G. ме́сто – a place, мо́ре – a sea, зда́ние – a building. Acc. (nouns: ты́сяча (f.), миллио́н (m.), миллиа́рд (m.)) in singular or in plural are regarded as nouns and always require Genitive case in plural: пятью́ ты́сячами (Instr.) Types of Irregular Plurals. Ordinary Life in Russia. sg.) (continued as short scale). Note the following: Before 1917, adjectival declension looked quite different, at least in writing; for example, there were special feminine plural forms, as in French. 6 cases, 3 genders. Another method of indicating comparison uses analytical forms with adverbs бо́лее 'more' / ме́нее 'less' and са́мый 'most' / наибо́лее 'most' / наиме́нее 'least': до́брый 'kind' — бо́лее до́брый 'kinder' — са́мый до́брый 'the kindest'. Like the A declension, this was a thematic declension which featured the thematic vowel O, which was, in its original form, placed between the noun stem and the case ending. Many nouns have, besides the ending -a or -я, a parallel form of the genitive ending in -у or -ю. ), grouping two or three digits: 123406 – сто два́дцать три четы́реста шесть, двенадцать три́дцать четы́ре ноль шесть (forced ноль added to avoid missing digit). Шестеро бились против десятерых, - два и се́мьдесят одна́ ты́сяча восемьсо́т два́дцать во́семь стоты́сячных, два и семь-восемна́дцать-два́дцать во́семь, сто два́дцать три четы́реста шесть, двенадцать три́дцать четы́ре ноль шесть. The singular may end in a vowel or a consonant (usually the diminutive suffix -ín). Russian also has so-called "count form" (счётная фо́рма) for use by nouns in numerical phrases instead of genitive plural (for some words mandatory, for others optional), mainly with units of measure (especially derived from names): во́семь бит (8 bits; not *би́тов), шестна́дцать байт (16 bytes), две́сти два́дцать вольт (220 volts), пять килогра́мм(ов) (5 kilograms; optional). Likewise, there is a neo-vocative form for close relatives: мать – ма́ма – мам (mother – mommy – mom), оте́ц – па́па – пап (father – daddy – dad). 1. The most common function of the accusative case in Russian is defining the direct object of a verb, for example, построить дом (paSTROeet' DOM)—to build a house. These pages are meant to be helpful references for first-year Russian students, not comprehensive explanations of the whole of Russian grammar. The first declension includes all masculine nouns, except nouns ending in – a /-я and the noun путь, as well as all neuter nouns, except nouns ending in - мя. Czech grammar books provide several paradigms, or sets of model nouns, that present the proper ending for that type of noun in each of the seven cases.Every gender (masculine, feminine and neuter) has its own set of model nouns - the masculine has six, the feminine and neuter each have four model nouns. It is characterized by a genitive singular that is identical in form to the nominative/vocative/dative singular. They are: The category of animacy is relevant in Russian nominal and adjectival declension. First declension nouns. Additionally, Slavic names have short forms, usually meant for affectionate calls (Ива́н – Ва́ня, А́нна – А́ня; equivalent of Johnny, Annie, etc.). 2nd declension masculine singular/plural noun endings. The ending -ем is not stressed: словарём (dictionary),  ручьём (brook),  учителем (teacher),  боем (battle). Every tip includes examples of usage of various lexical or grammatical constructions. Declension of masculine adjectives. The first declension includes all masculine nouns, except nouns ending in – a /-я and the noun путь, as well as all neuter nouns, except nouns ending in - мя noun, masculine, inanimate very rarely used word (#15848) Noun basics. 1. With soft nouns, the ending -ём is, of course, always stressed. [16] For rational numbers see below. Prefixes пол- (with Genitive) and полу- (with Nominative) are used for "half" of something: пол-лимо́на (half of a lemon), полчаса́ (half an hour; but: полови́на ча́са); полуме́сяц (half moon, crescent). чьё? Russian Declension Flashcards Tags: Foreign Languages, Russian. There are complicated rules and just when you think you’ve got it, you find out there are a couple of exceptions. два стула [dvɐ ˈstulə], "two chairs", now reanalyzed as genitive singular). штриха́ (G. You must keep in mind that он, она, оно do not mean "he, she, it"; rather they simply reflect the gender and declension class of the noun they replace. - кричит он ей. lit. In oblique cases, noun and number take both this case, except that the numbers ending with "thousand", "million", "billion" etc. Whoever said «Р у сский яз ы к–вел и кий и мог у чий» [the Russian language is great and mighty] wasn’t kidding. Most abbreviations are undeclined (one exception is вуз). Рыбак сидит на берегу реки и наблюдает, как симпатичная девушка собирается войти в воду. (whose?) That said, there are some means of expressing whether a noun is definite or indefinite. pl.) The only wrinkle with this group is that a few of them keep the … падеж (Case) мужской род (Masculine) женский род (Feminine) средний род(Neuter) именительный (Nominative) -ы -и комьютеры, рубли, герои -ы -и машины, собаки, двери -а -я окна, моря родительный (Genitive) […] Метр is masculine (important for "51"); both метр and тысяча are inanimate (important for Accusative). Russian Grammar Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. This guide will go through the rules to help you figure out the genders of nouns in the Russian language. When replacing nominative plural (used for always plural nouns), it can be used for collective calls: ребя́та ("guys, lads") – ребя́т, девча́та ("gals") – девча́т. 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russian masculine noun declension

Chair is a masculine noun in Russian, and you refer to it as “him”. They decline in the same way as миллио́н. Masculine nouns take a consonant plus –u, -e, or –i endings and the plural is marked by a final –i. Of course, declension … Most numbers ending with "2", "3", "4" (два/две, три, четы́ре) require Genitive singular: три соба́ки (3 dogs), со́рок два окна́ (42 windows). The adjectives, pronouns, and the first two cardinal numbers further vary by gender. That makes 36 possibilities that need to be evaluated each time a noun appears in a sentence. Full Russian conjugation / declension for every Russian word. In the most cases we recognise the Greek masculine nouns from the -ς ending (final Greek s ) and as I wrote in my previous post they are divided in two categories: Ισοσύλλαβα: they form the nominative, accusative and vocative case of the plural in -ες. An Easier Way to Learn German Declensions: READ THE ARTICLE TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO USE THIS CHART Download the All-In-One Declension Chart ‘cheat sheet’ here. Some words have an irregular plural form, but a few use suppletion, being substituted by a different root altogether. Note:  With other prepositions governing the same (prepositional) case, the endings are regular:  о саде – about the garden;  при виде – seeing, at the sight of. But wait! на В о лге . In the nominative singular, adjectives have the following endings: for masculine -ий, -ый, -ой (свежий хлеб, новый студент) вре́мя "time") and one masculine noun путь "way". May 6, 2018 | Tags: Russian declension Russian nouns. Log in Sign up. Russian nouns are not sexy simply because they have accents. Masculine nouns Masculine hard-stem nouns. For nouns ending in -ья, -ье, or -ьё, using -ьи in the Prepositional (where endings of some of them are stressed) is usually erroneous, but in poetic speech it may be acceptable (as we replace -ии with -ьи for metric or rhyming purposes): Весь день она́ лежа́ла в забытьи́ (F. Tyutchev). прок. Most geographical names, both Russian and foreign, are declined regularly as nouns: о коло К и ева . Enter the infinitive or conjugated form of the verb or any form of the noun above to get started. Blue digits are indicatives of case endings, marked by blue letters. Second Declension Masculine Noun Endings A declension is a set of nouns, pronouns, or adjectives that share the same set of case endings. and derivatives: подарок (gift), американец (American), etc. For inanimate referents (simple lifeforms, objects, states, notions), the accusative form is identical to the nominative form (nominative-accusative syncretism). To false expectations, calculation etc.) Possessive adjectives are used in Russian to a lesser extent than in most other Slavic languages,[13] but are still in use. ру'чки, this will be converted to ру́чки. and denote only animated possessors. Russian origin, gender-agnostic, indeclinable: Ukrainian or Belorussian origin, gender-agnostic, declinable as masculine nouns for males and indeclinable for females: Other Slavic origin, gender-specific, declinable as adjectives: Other Slavic or non-Slavic origin, gender-agnostic, declinable as masculine nouns for males and indeclinable for females: After a sibilant consonant, neuter adjectives end in. They can be divided in these categories (sorted by occurrence): Here male name is composed of 2nd declension nouns, but there are exceptional endings for Instrumental (patronym: -ем, not -ом; family name: -ым, not -ом). While forming them, upper three orders of numerals are agglutinated to nearest dividing power of 1000, which results in constructing some of the longest natural Russian words, e.g. You can learn the rules in groups, as demonstrated below. The masculine noun путь (way, road) is declined like a feminine noun, except for the ending of the instrumental: NATO to hold biggest military drills in decade, Russia welcome to observe, Corn-ered: America’s native crop almost impossible to avoid at supermarket, ​Thanks, Michelle! In Russian grammar they are called possessive pronouns притяжа́тельные местоиме́ния (compare with possessive adjectives like Peter's = пе́тин above). Suffix -ын/ин is similar but is attached to feminine words or masculine ending in -а/я. For "1 1/2" there is a special word полтора́ (feminine полторы́; in oblique cases полу́тора; requires Genitive): полтора́ я́блока – 3/2 apples. The most recognized additional cases are locative(в лесу́, на мосту́, в кро… pl.) Unlike English, Russian uses the same form for a possessive adjective and the corresponding possessive pronoun. рабо́та – a work/job, ба́ня – a bathhouse, кни́га – a book, ли́ния – a line. You just have to learn noun declension the same way you've learned adjective declension; whether there's an adjective accompanying the noun … After integer in such cases is often used word це́лая (substantiated adjective "full, integer", which also refers to omitted word часть and thus is feminine): 3,14 – три це́лых (и) четы́рнадцать со́тых (union is often omitted); word це́лая can appear also in naming non-decimal simple fractions: 2 3/8 – две це́лых три восьмы́х. We also explain how to apply this concept as you learn to speak Russian. This takes place: (a) Primarily in front of the letters л or н: (b) In front of an й, in which case e is replaced by а ь. – Не likes his regiment. Animate masculine nouns ending in a consonant. It can be used with larger numbers (полторы́ ты́сячи – 1 500, полтора миллио́на – 1 500 000) and, for approximate values, with smaller numbers (полтора деся́тка – ≈15, полторы со́тни – ≈150). Путь < *pont-ĭ-s (along with гость < *gost-ĭ-s, ночь < *nokt-ĭ-s and several other nouns) had the stem ending in -ĭ. A notable example is ending -ыя (bisyllabic) instead of -ой (monosyllabic) for genitive single female adjectives, which were considered bookish and deprecated even in the times of Alexander Pushkin but were still used by him in lines such as «тайна брачныя постели» («Евгений Онегин», IV, L).[12]. The same endings apply for both genders. As with other single-word numerals, it's possible to form nouns and multiplicative adjectives, associated with "1.5": полу́торка (old truck with 1.5 tonnes of payload capacity), полтора́шка (1.5 liter plastic bottle for beverage); полу́торный (something of 150% amount). [citation needed]. The third declension is mostly for feminine nouns, with some masculine and neuter. Masculine nouns of foreign origin and ending in a vowel, such as атташе, маэстро are not declined. Comparison forms are usual only for qualitative adjectives and adverbs. Russian uses words биллио́н (billion) and numerals with -ard endings only in historical texts or literal translations. near Kiev. dat. Subscribe and receive tips and advices to help you in your studies of different areas of Russian language. When Russian Declension Happens Declension for Grammatical Case. Random Russian Idiom. Up to ten additional cases are identified in linguistics textbooks, although all of them are either incomplete (do not apply to all nouns) or degenerate (appear identical to one of the six simple cases). Informally, decimal fractional part can be read more conveniently as sequence of simple digits and numbers: два и семь-восемна́дцать-два́дцать во́семь. Fractions 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 have proper names (nouns): полови́на, треть and че́тверть, which are used instead of ordinal numbers. Also, father – отец: отца. It’s a good reference, and helps you learn the cases more easily. one and a half men). In the latter example, only the last word is declined with noun. Note:   It should not be assumed that о and e are always dropped in front of л, н, or й:  shot – выстрел:  выстрела; deer – олень:  оленя;  villain – злодей:  злодея, etc. First Declension. "3 green straight lines", but три зелёных (G. Russian nouns are not sexy simply because they have accents. A. путь, as a masculine noun, ending in the soft sign. The first declension of Russian nouns Russian grammar--> Declension I. Conventionally, Russian nouns have six cases: nominative case, genitive case, dative case, accusative case, instrumental case, and prepositional case. Some nouns (such as borrowings from other languages, abbreviations, etc.) These pages are meant to be helpful references for first-year Russian students, not comprehensive explanations of the whole of Russian grammar. Masculine stems in ж, ч, ш, щ Russian stems that end in sibilants have slightly different endings depending on whether they are end stressed or stem stressed because they are subject to a spelling rule: Spelling rule 2: After ж, ч, ш, щ, and ц— never write an unstressed о, instead use е. In Russian… Nominative plural is used only without numerals: э́ти дома́ (these houses); cf. sg.). This page continues the frequency list for 500 widely used Russian nouns and their English translations. Different Russian numerals have very different types of declension. There are three sub-categories (male, female, and neuter) each with their own rules of declension – that is, how the endings of the nouns change according to case in sentences (See Declension of regular nouns, not yet available). Up to ten additional cases are identified in linguistics textbooks,[1][2][3] although all of them are either incomplete (do not apply to all nouns) or degenerate (appear identical to one of the six simple cases). Nothing illustrates this more than склон е ние фам и лий [declension of last names]. declension translation in English-Polish dictionary. Sing.-us(-er)-i-o-um. Short forms by themselves can form "reemerging" vocative case (sometimes called neo-vocative); it is used for calling a familiar person, substituting nominative singular by removing last vowel (Артём – Тёма – Тём, О́льга – О́ля – Оль). Nouns ending with -ий, -ия, -ие (not to be confused with substantivated adjectives) are written with -ии instead of -ие in Prepositional: тече́ние – в ни́жнем тече́нии реки́ "streaming – in lower streaming of a river". After ж, ч, ш, щ, ц hard masculine nouns have the ending -ом in the instrumental, when the stress falls on this ending: ножом (knife),   отцом (father). Masculine nouns take a consonant plus –u, -e, or –i endings and the plural is marked by a final –i. This unit presents ten such words. Maurice I. Levin. стапятидесятитрёхты́сячный (153,000-th), while the next is сто пятьдеся́т три ты́сячи пе́рвый (153,001-st). Cases Singular Plural; Nom: студ е нт : … - А раздеваться здесь не запрещено! Да так, встре́тил одного́ дру́га, пришло́сь поговори́ть, трое друзей на охоту пошли, вижу двоих мужчин, вижу двое саней, Masculine (and common-gender as masculine and mixed-gender) nouns in, трое друзей, пятеро мальчиков, шестеро мужчин, Нас было четверо. a condition (sometimes):   в бреду (delirious);  в долгу (in debt). Both types are more common in spoken language than in literary (though being acceptable in both styles) and generally are forms of kinship terms, given names and their diminutives:[13] ма́ма — ма́мин 'mom's', оте́ц — отцо́в 'father's', Са́ша — Са́шин 'Sasha's' /for diminutives from both Alexandr and Alexandra/. In this table you can find all the endings and how they change. пятьдеся́т (50) – Gen. пяти́десяти etc. (+инф., coll., used without negation usually in questions, to convey the opposite meaning). Same method is used to read long numerals unrelated to a noun (phone numbers, address indexes, etc. : -em (e.g. чья? Russian differentiates between hard-stem (as above) and soft-stem adjectives. While first declension nouns end in "-a", second declension nouns (masculine, since we've dispensed with neuters) usually end in "-us," "-ius," or "er." Grammatical case refers to a word’s function in a sentence. Fractions are formed as: (how much parts), expressed by cardinal number in case of the phrase, plus (of how numerous parts), expressed by ordinal number; the construction is formed as like it were related to word часть "part" (grammatically feminine), which is usually omitted. Historically, some of these irregularities come from older declensional patterns that have become mostly obsolete in modern Russian. Examples: (at what time?). Ask Question Asked 10 months ago. This guide will go through the rules to help you figure out the genders of nouns in the Russian language. someone. три до́ма (3 houses; G. ме́сто – a place, мо́ре – a sea, зда́ние – a building. Acc. (nouns: ты́сяча (f.), миллио́н (m.), миллиа́рд (m.)) in singular or in plural are regarded as nouns and always require Genitive case in plural: пятью́ ты́сячами (Instr.) Types of Irregular Plurals. Ordinary Life in Russia. sg.) (continued as short scale). Note the following: Before 1917, adjectival declension looked quite different, at least in writing; for example, there were special feminine plural forms, as in French. 6 cases, 3 genders. Another method of indicating comparison uses analytical forms with adverbs бо́лее 'more' / ме́нее 'less' and са́мый 'most' / наибо́лее 'most' / наиме́нее 'least': до́брый 'kind' — бо́лее до́брый 'kinder' — са́мый до́брый 'the kindest'. Like the A declension, this was a thematic declension which featured the thematic vowel O, which was, in its original form, placed between the noun stem and the case ending. Many nouns have, besides the ending -a or -я, a parallel form of the genitive ending in -у or -ю. ), grouping two or three digits: 123406 – сто два́дцать три четы́реста шесть, двенадцать три́дцать четы́ре ноль шесть (forced ноль added to avoid missing digit). Шестеро бились против десятерых, - два и се́мьдесят одна́ ты́сяча восемьсо́т два́дцать во́семь стоты́сячных, два и семь-восемна́дцать-два́дцать во́семь, сто два́дцать три четы́реста шесть, двенадцать три́дцать четы́ре ноль шесть. The singular may end in a vowel or a consonant (usually the diminutive suffix -ín). Russian also has so-called "count form" (счётная фо́рма) for use by nouns in numerical phrases instead of genitive plural (for some words mandatory, for others optional), mainly with units of measure (especially derived from names): во́семь бит (8 bits; not *би́тов), шестна́дцать байт (16 bytes), две́сти два́дцать вольт (220 volts), пять килогра́мм(ов) (5 kilograms; optional). Likewise, there is a neo-vocative form for close relatives: мать – ма́ма – мам (mother – mommy – mom), оте́ц – па́па – пап (father – daddy – dad). 1. The most common function of the accusative case in Russian is defining the direct object of a verb, for example, построить дом (paSTROeet' DOM)—to build a house. These pages are meant to be helpful references for first-year Russian students, not comprehensive explanations of the whole of Russian grammar. The first declension includes all masculine nouns, except nouns ending in – a /-я and the noun путь, as well as all neuter nouns, except nouns ending in - мя. Czech grammar books provide several paradigms, or sets of model nouns, that present the proper ending for that type of noun in each of the seven cases.Every gender (masculine, feminine and neuter) has its own set of model nouns - the masculine has six, the feminine and neuter each have four model nouns. It is characterized by a genitive singular that is identical in form to the nominative/vocative/dative singular. They are: The category of animacy is relevant in Russian nominal and adjectival declension. First declension nouns. Additionally, Slavic names have short forms, usually meant for affectionate calls (Ива́н – Ва́ня, А́нна – А́ня; equivalent of Johnny, Annie, etc.). 2nd declension masculine singular/plural noun endings. The ending -ем is not stressed: словарём (dictionary),  ручьём (brook),  учителем (teacher),  боем (battle). Every tip includes examples of usage of various lexical or grammatical constructions. Declension of masculine adjectives. The first declension includes all masculine nouns, except nouns ending in – a /-я and the noun путь, as well as all neuter nouns, except nouns ending in - мя noun, masculine, inanimate very rarely used word (#15848) Noun basics. 1. With soft nouns, the ending -ём is, of course, always stressed. [16] For rational numbers see below. Prefixes пол- (with Genitive) and полу- (with Nominative) are used for "half" of something: пол-лимо́на (half of a lemon), полчаса́ (half an hour; but: полови́на ча́са); полуме́сяц (half moon, crescent). чьё? Russian Declension Flashcards Tags: Foreign Languages, Russian. There are complicated rules and just when you think you’ve got it, you find out there are a couple of exceptions. два стула [dvɐ ˈstulə], "two chairs", now reanalyzed as genitive singular). штриха́ (G. You must keep in mind that он, она, оно do not mean "he, she, it"; rather they simply reflect the gender and declension class of the noun they replace. - кричит он ей. lit. In oblique cases, noun and number take both this case, except that the numbers ending with "thousand", "million", "billion" etc. Whoever said «Р у сский яз ы к–вел и кий и мог у чий» [the Russian language is great and mighty] wasn’t kidding. Most abbreviations are undeclined (one exception is вуз). Рыбак сидит на берегу реки и наблюдает, как симпатичная девушка собирается войти в воду. (whose?) That said, there are some means of expressing whether a noun is definite or indefinite. pl.) The only wrinkle with this group is that a few of them keep the … падеж (Case) мужской род (Masculine) женский род (Feminine) средний род(Neuter) именительный (Nominative) -ы -и комьютеры, рубли, герои -ы -и машины, собаки, двери -а -я окна, моря родительный (Genitive) […] Метр is masculine (important for "51"); both метр and тысяча are inanimate (important for Accusative). Russian Grammar Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. This guide will go through the rules to help you figure out the genders of nouns in the Russian language. When replacing nominative plural (used for always plural nouns), it can be used for collective calls: ребя́та ("guys, lads") – ребя́т, девча́та ("gals") – девча́т.

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